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It's All About Me and the World's Reality.
About Me

About Me

Boo ya! How are you doing? I hope you're all doing well. This is my crib of thoughts, feelings and rants (nah!). Nothing interesting about me, just typical girl with the same likes and interest of most girls.

But still this might be out of your curiosity to ask who's behind this blog. Let me tell you I'm 22 years old still on the age of youth LOL oh! I guess it's on the midst of youth and adulthood hoho. A degree holder of BS business administration. I mentioned earlier that my interests would be same as the girls of my age to those who don't know...

Here are the following likes of endlesselly : (yah! I'm a very appreciative person so sorry LOL)

* Dogs or pups
* baymax and stitch
* unicorns
* mobile legends
* K-dramas
* books and ebooks ( fictions, romance, mysteries, vamps)
* Movies
* Fashion
* Food! Food! Food! Korean food (Oh ramen!)
* Music
* Social media
* Photography

and to those foreign readers nah! I'm filipina
More to love in this world and many to share.

Do we have the same interests? I hope we are and I hope you'll appreciate my world.

Welcome to my blog my boooos

-xoxo Missy endlesselly

About the Blog

What's in it to see..

My blog is all about reality. Sharing of my experiences with life changing taughts and my aspirations to inspire you,all my readers. I may share the things that I want and you might love them as well and also advice for those latest issues (about youths and society). And I really do hope you'll love it.

Please feel free to contact me for questions or suggestions that you might want me to share here and I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks my boooos

xoxo missy endlesselly


My World

Contact Me

Contact Me

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Contact infomation:

Bay, Laguna, Philippines


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